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Currently, the departing airport for each flight deal in our alerts is chosen from the 10 largest airports in the U.S. This ensures both wide coverage and access to the most valuable deals, as these larger airports often offer the best point-based flight opportunities. While the flight deals are not yet tailored to individual subscribers' nearest airports, we're working on introducing this feature in the future!
No, PointPilots is a platform that provides curated flight deals and expert insights. To book the specific point flight deal, you need to follow the provided instructions and visit the recommended booking platform or website.
The point flight deals featured in our newsletter can be booked using the loyalty points associated with the specific airline mentioned in the deal. Make sure you have an active account with the respective loyalty program.
If you don't have enough points to cover the entire flight, you may have the option to partially pay with points and cover the remaining amount with cash. The booking platform or website will provide details on how to proceed with a mixed payment.
Changes and cancellations are subject to the terms and conditions of the specific booking platform and the airline's policies. It's recommended to review the booking platform's guidelines or contact their customer support for assistance with any changes or cancellations.
It's easy to manage your subscription preferences. To unsubscribe from either our free starter or premium plan, simply open any of our alert or newsletter emails. Scroll down to the bottom of the email, and you'll find an 'Unsubscribe' link. Clicking on this link will promptly remove you from our mailing list. For premium members, this action will also stop any future payments associated with your subscription. If you ever wish to rejoin our community of travelers, you're always welcome back!
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